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Andrew Faust

HAPPY NEW YEAR! - Center for Bioregional Living Newsletter 2024

Updated: Jan 5

Check out our first ever tropical Permaculture Design Certification in Nicaragua, the first of more to come at this ideal setting in Nicaragua for learning the systems of Permaculture that truly solve our climate, economic and social justice issues. You will see anaerobic bio-digestor run kitchens 100 year old agroforestry plantings, water systems and processing facilities for highly equitable beyond organic coffee. Selva Negra is growing a range of vegetables for themselves and for a Eco resort that is available for dining and spa uses, for an additional cost, during the class.




I’d like to invite you to a wonderful adventure.  Imagine a permaculture design course taught by two of the premier teachers in the US.  Move that course to one of the most outstanding examples of permaculture in the Western Hemisphere, which just happens to be a 1,000 acre farm in Nicaragua.  Its name is Selva Negra.  Teach it in February when it's cold and rainy in the US but warm and sunny in Nicaragua. What's “permaculture” about Selva Negra?  It’s survived 130 years in the isolated mountainous north of Nicaragua.   To do that, the farmers have created a self-contained village which provides everything they need to thrive and generates virtually zero waste.  In short - permaculture!

What’s in Selva Negra’s 1,000 acres?

  • 350 acre farm

  • 20,000 square feet of greenhouses

  • pastures for cows, chickens, geese, ducks, goats, pigs, horses

  • village with school and health clinic

  • hydro powered generator

  • 300 feet of worm bins to process food scraps

  • 350 acre shade grown coffee operation

coffee mill and settling ponds for “aqua de miele

  • coffee drying houses

  • 6 biodigesters to capture waste from coffee mill and animals

  • field kitchen powered by biogas

  • 350 acre biopreserve

  • ridge line to capture water during rainy season

  • trenches to divert water to catchment ponds

  • howler monkeys, giant sloths, many tropical birds and amphibians

  • giant trees and ferns

  • eco-resort with excellent dining with farm raised produce, pastries, coffee and meat

  • solar hot water

  • three ponds to store water for farm

  • conference center and wedding chapel

And a beautiful classroom in the middle of the farm with its own dining and lodging areas. Come for the classroom instruction and the on-site demonstration of permaculture.

Just $1,700 for 14 days at Selva Negra including instruction, room and board.  (Airfare to Managua is additional)

Don’t wait to sign up! Spaces are limited in this highly affordable & equitable course, we are filling up!

I am in the final edits of my book entitled Earth Is Our Home in our next newsletter will be an option pre release purchases.


Big thanks to: Alex Rearick for layout and dogged follow though! 

David Harper for understanding and helping me to make clear what I am trying to say with his excellent editing and Ben Feistman for his consistent and clear renderings, materializing for me the goal of making Earth Is Our Home a visually communicative and powerful book, aspiring to follow in the footsteps of Bill Mollison’s Introduction to Permaculture.

The Permaculture Living Lands Trust is up and running with our website and writing our first round of grants while continuing to meet with new potential partners like the Savannah Institute and a New Jersey Conservation group.

Now is a great time to schedule a Permaculture consultation with me!

I offer ecological solutions for all kinds of problems and challenges with these services: property analysis, whole site design development, Water systems, Organic Gardens, Fruit, Nut and Berry Plantings, Native pollinator landscapes and Natural buildings made from local lumber and hemp crete, strawbale, cob pizza and bread ovens, summer kitchens, composting outhouses and cabins.

Get on our schedule to day Fill out my form here we are filling up for 2024 

Check my latest podcast release an interview that David Harper have with Ken Asmus who founded Oikos Nursery a pioneer in Tree Crop focused business development.

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